I recently moved house. In the process of packing and unpacking I deeply re-acquainted and immersed myself in my book collection, including finding several bookmarks! One of my favourites among these finds was the book and bookmark of "Tales of Old Todaiji". The bookmark shows the map of the temple complex.
Tōdai-ji is a Buddhist temple complex that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, located in the city of Nara, Japan. Its Great Buddha Hall houses the world's largest bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana, known in Japanese as Daibutsu.
From the "Postface" of the book...."This little book contains a selection of the most well-known stories that have been handed down through the ages and bring to life the illustrious history of Todaiji. They afford glimpses of the unfamiliar aspects of the history of Todaiji and have circulated more widely than the official histories. It is not going too far to say that in a sense these stories convey truths that are missing form the official histories".