I recently found this fascinating book in a local op shop (charity shop) for the grand price of $2 and immediately snapped it up as I love anything to do with printed collectibles / paper ephemera. I was especially interested in it because it contains seven pages on bookmarks which I am delighted to share with you here via my blog. It is interesting to see which bookmarks they have featured and what Lyle thought they were worth in 1984, the year in which the book was published in Scotland. Unfortunately, all the images are black & white. It would have been great to see the bookmarks in colour. Nevertheless, still interesting! Click on each image to enlarge. |
the BLOGGERDebrah Gai Lewis lives in Lillian Rock, New South Wales, Australia and is a bookmark collector, yoga teacher and SoulCollage® Facilitator (among other things). ABOUT the blogIn this blog I highlight bookmarks from my collection, feature stories about some of my favourite bookmarks (mine and other people's), and share interesting snippets I find on bookmarks and related topics. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy! BLOG